The flagship company
The flagship company Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Limited, integrated sugar manufacturer, has three divisions (sugar, power co-generation and industrial alcohol-ethanol) located in Bijnor and Bareilly Districts of Uttar Pradesh. Its sugar capacity stands at 21,500 TCD for all 3 units put together, a distillery capable of manufacturing Industrial Alcohol & Ethanol of 337.50 KL output per day, Cogeneration of 91 MW, out of which 56 MW is contracted for sale to state Grid. Led by a team of dynamic professionals, the company strives to establish itself as a market leader in the sugar industry. The year ended 31st March, 2023 recorded highest sale ever i.e 2103 crores increased by 6.28% compared to Rs 1979 crores during 2021-22, highest ever turnover.
The company successfully concluded a QIP program and raised ₹ 59.4 cr. and the proceeds of the same was used for accelerated repayment of long term debt. ICRA the leading agency for rating has given DSIL A1 for long term and A1+ for short term funding.
Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Limited, which made a successful IPO in November 2004 raising ₹ 32.50 Crores, has impressed everyone including the Foreign Institutional Investors who have consistently been showing faith in the company’s ambitious plans. During the year 2005-2006 the company has raised funds amounting to ₹ 54.05 crores, through 3 million Global Depository Receipt (GDR) representing 3 million equity shares of face value of ₹ 10 each @ USD 4 per GDR.
In fact, the outlook for the entire sugar industry is promising as sugar market is growing rapidly. The 10% blending target was achieved in ESY 2021-22 and it is expected that
12% blending will be achieved in ESY 2022-23. Government has resolved to meet the target of 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2025. Earlier the resolve was to achieve the target by 2030 which is now preponed by 5 years. Also the sale of CER (Carbon emission reduction) and sale of REC (Renewable energy certificate) in future shall help in boosting the bottom line.
Dwarikesh Trading Company Limited, Faridpur Sugars Limited, Dwarikesh Agriculture Research Institute. are other important companies of the group active in a variety of sectors including agriculture, trading and infrastructure.